„Daj krug“ is a humanitarian television show, conceived as a twenty-minute reality show. The task of the host of the show, Sanja Homa, is to find one owner of an old bicycle in each episode, who due to various circumstances is not able to afford a new bicycle. Under the cover of night, and with the consent of the family of the owner of the bicycle, Sanja will “steal” it, take it to the repairman and completely repair it within eight working hours: repaint, replace all old parts with new ones and return them to factory condition. In the early morning hours, the bicycle is returned to the owner to the place where he parked it earlier, and Sanja is filming in an ambush and waiting for the owner’s reaction. In ten episodes, one of the cult bicycles from the former Yugoslavia was presented and restored: Pony, FBP, Unis, three-speed, BMX, mountain bike, Violeta, folding, racing and a bike with a gallery. Each of them is presented through a short story with interesting facts related to the model. “Partner in crime” with Sanja is repairman, in whose workshop the transformation will take place.
You can watch the episodes on media.rtv.rs/daj-krug.
Year: 2020.
Runtime: 10×20”
Director: Živa Stanojević
Screenplay: Mladen Urdarević
Host: Sanja Homa
Editing: Živa Stanojević
Camera: Silard Kovač, Zlatko Zlatković
Sound recordist: Lazar Živanac
Production: Radio televizija Vojvodine
Executive production: Stick & Rope